1. Our Living Law and K-12 Curriculum
Related curriculum requirements:
8-2.6 Explain the role of South Carolinians in the establishment of their new state government and the national government after the American Revolution.
8-5.2 Describe the economic impact of Reconstruction on South Carolinians in various social classes.
8-7.2 Analyze the movement for civil rights in South Carolina, including the impact of the landmark court cases Elmore v. Rice and Briggs v. Elliot; civil rights leaders Septima Poinsette Clark, Modjeska Monteith Simkins, and Matthew J. Perry; the South Carolina school equalization effort and other resistance to school integration; peaceful efforts to integrate beginning with colleges and demonstrations in South Carolina such as the Friendship Nine and the Orangeburg Massacre.
2. University of South Carolina Course Partnerships
HIST 410 - History of South Carolina Since 1865
HIST 640 - South Carolina History
POLI 570 - South Carolina Government and Politics
3. Integrating Oral Histories